
We dominate the art of buying and selling worldwide. We take the world as a global source of business and optimize your list of suppliers.

It is not just about buying cheap or reducing costs, but about obtaining excellence in buying from suppliers.

Globalization requires professionals who are knowledgeable about global strategic changes and, moreover, able to identify the early symptoms of those changes over time.

The need to keep up to date at all levels of the production process is increasingly pressing. Design a global supply policy in line with new global trends, not forgetting the needs of each individual company.

For this, from POLYGLOKAL we guarantee to:

  • Be aware of global policies that may affect their relationship with suppliers (international politics, flows and economic flows,
  • Plan your supply needs in time.
  • Be close to the supplier in order to guarantee the service and quality of their product in the long term
  • Multiculturalism and multilingualism



Astigarragako Bidea, 2 – 5.ezk – lok.2
20180 Oiartzun
Gipuzkoa. Basque Country. Spain

+34 943 110 000